NSI Exam Result 2024 | www.nsi.gov.bd job recruitment result
National Security Intelligence Bangladesh Result 2024 nsi.teletalk.com.bd

NSI Exam Result 2024 | www.nsi.gov.bd job recruitment result. Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem, Assalamu Alaikum Are you looking for NSI recruitment test results? Which is known as National Security Intelligence Bangladesh. Then there is no reason to worry. The results of the National Security Intelligence Bangladesh (NSI) recruitment test will be published here. When, when the results will be published, how to get all the questions we are going to answer through that post. Take a good look at the whole post and read it carefully.
NSI Exam Result 2024
All this information will be shared by National Security Intelligence Bangladesh (NSI) in todayâs post. You are all aware that the recruitment notice of NSI was published on February 1, 2024. Where many of the different categories have given circulars to the vacant posts. The online application starts at 10 am on February 8 and ends at 11:59 pm on Sunday, March 7, 2024 for 1 month in a row. About 10 lakh candidates applied for the NSI job circular.
NSI Result Details at a glance
Name of Authority: National Security Intelligence (NSI)
Result Type: Preliminary Test MCQ
Post Name: Office assistant computer typist
In Total Vacancy: 41
Exam Date Was: 3 April, 2024
Exam Time: 10 AM
National Security Intelligence Bangladesh Result
National Security Detective Bangladesh (NSI) recruitment test was held. The test was held on Friday, April 03, 2024 at 10 am. The total number of written exams running for 1 hour was 80. That is 80 TMC Q questions of 80 numbers. Candidates from 63 districts of the country (excluding Bandar) took part in the NSI examination held simultaneously at about 14 centers in Dhaka including Motijheel School and College. It is to be noted that 9 lakh 90 thousand candidates took part in the written test even though over 10 lakh applications were received, about 10 thousand are absent.
Prime Minister Office Exam Result
National Security Intelligence Bangladesh, also known as the Prime Ministerâs Office. Two names have been given to a ministry. The recruitment test of the Prime Ministerâs Office has already been completed, now the results are awaited. The results of the recruitment test are usually published within 1 week of the end of the test. But as the number of candidates in the recruitment test of the Prime Ministerâs Office is much higher, it will take time for the results of the test to be published.
In a special source, we spoke to an NSI official and found out that the work of looking at the last book of the examination is going on. Much more people have been hired than are required to view the register in the normal way. Because at the end of the work the results will be released very soon. He added that it is expected that the results of the NSI examination will be released on July 8.
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How to Get Result?
How do you see the results of the National Security Detective Bangladesh (NSI) recruitment test? NSI test results can be seen in two ways namely; Online and mobile SMS.
NSI Result by using SMS Method:
If you want to get your nsi result from mobile SMS? The procedure to be followed to get the result in SMS format is highlighted. Note that the results can be obtained from any mobile operator, but for that (per SMS) will be charged up to 2 Taka 76 poisha (from the main account).
NSI Result from visiting Online Method:
It is very easy to show NSI results like all the results online. The results can be found by following a few rules, the rules are below.
- Firstly, go to nsi result official website at cnp.teletalk.com.bd
- Then Click on the âResultâ option.
- Give your âUser IDâ.
- Put âPasswordâ.
- Now fill in the gap of âCAPTCHAâ code.
- Finally, you get result in front of you.
www.nsi.gov.bd job recruitment result
Good news for all the candidates who have taken part in the recruitment test of NSI. Because after a long wait, the results of the National Security Intelligence Bangladesh (NSI) test have been released. The results were released today, July 8, at 7 pm in the presence of the new Director General of NSI, Jobayer. Published on the NSI official website www.nsi.gov.bd. Where 1 lakh 12 thousand 97 candidates passed the written test at the rate of 10%, who will be able to take part in the next step i.e. viva voce or final test. Note that the schedule of oral examination will be published later on the NSI official website.
Final words:
National Security Intelligence known as NSI. The main and independent international intelligence agency of the Peopleâs Republic of Bangladesh. After the independence of Bangladesh, the National Security Intelligence Agency was established by a resolution on December 29, 1972. NSI is headquartered in Dhaka, the capital of the country. NSI plays a role in the areas of internal security, counter-intelligence and foreign intelligence of the Government of the Peopleâs Republic of Bangladesh.
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